But stilla, you're a female. if you were Secretary of your congregation that is proof enough surely that the holy spirit had nothing to do with your appointment.
Must obey!
JoinedPosts by Must obey!
My personal proof elders are not spirit appointed
by stillajwexelder ini was congregation secretary.
all of us were against appointing a particular ms as elder despite the fact he had regular pioneered for 15 years.
the reason was he told crude jokes and all in the congregation knew it.
Disciples believed in a visible parousia
by Doug Mason inthe following is taken from a qfr in a watchtower magazine: .
[question]: at matthew 24:3 [the disciples] did not at that time understand that it would be an invisible presence.
[part of answer]: not yet having received holy spirit, .
Must obey!
Not quite sure what the point is that you are making.
My Personal Proof That Elders Are Not Appointed by Holy Spirit
by TMS inthis topic is not about men living sinfully at the time of their appointment as elders.
it is not about pedophile elders, although i've personally known three, two who were pedophiles at the time of their appointment by the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.. first of all a quick summary of what jehovah's witnesses are taught about the appointment of elders and ministerial servants:.
before the visit of the circuit overseer, the local elders meet to consider who, if any, among the local congregation they will recommend as elders or .
Must obey!
It is not about pedophile elders, although I've personally known three, two who were pedophiles at the time of their appointment by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.
'Personally known'...almost sounds like they were good friends of yours.
We need a better 'spiritual points' system
by outofthebox ini was in the service today (i know, i know... i know!)...
... and i was thinking, the problem here is the current spiritual points system we have in place.
you know what i am talking about.
Must obey!
How about points for just being kind & caring, doing nice things for poor and needy people and the lonely and depressed. How about 50 points for each elder that invites over for a meal a depressed, lost soul who sits at the back of the meeting that always arrives late, leaves straight away, and hardly ever smiles.
How about 50 points for every phone call or food hamper left on the door of every elderly, lonely, isolated person who misses lots of meetings.
How about 100 points for showing a random act of real love and kindness to a worlding without being on field service or trying to convert them.
30 minute talks start this weekend.
by OnTheWayOut infor those of you attending kingdom hell meetings, let us know how this.
(yawn) exciting change goes over.
let us know how many speakers went .
Must obey!
Material will now be 100% outline and 0% independent research and entertaining anecdotes. So much better. Only way to improve it would be to go to manuscripts on the sunday talks like the DC parts. OR even pre-recorded talks distributed on CDs with the local elder just going up to the platform to do the gestures.
Haha, classic! Yes, why don't they just make them like the dramas at the conventions...just have the speaker silently mime & gesture in synch with a recorded voice on CD from the Watchtower. They could make it the voice of a different GB member each week. The rank and file would feel so awe-inspired about hearing the voice of the actual channel of God...it would be like hearing Jehovah's voice from heaven itself, since loyally submitting to theocratic instruction from the GB is the same as loyally submitting to Jesus and Jehovah. Now that would really motivate the Watchtowerites to keep going to their meeting!
Or even better still, why not just play a video on a big screen via a projector a GB member delivering the talk! The dubbies would be totally entranced, like having a visitation from a divine being. Who needs public speakers then! Who would dare beg off from a personal invitation to gaze upon the appearance of a GB member in real, dynamic speaking action! Wow...even I want to go to that! And that way they could finally dump the theocratic ministry school and the purported need for training up new speakers! What a loving arrangement. -
What do JW's do to help the poor & needy at this time of year, or ever?
by Must obey! injust about every church i know of does something for the poor and needy around this time of year, who are not necessarily christians or members of their church.
from helping prisoners to delivering food hampers to visiting the lonely and elderly to helping poor people and children overseas, most churches i'm aware of do at least something to materially help the suffering in the community, home and abroad, regardless of their religious orientation.
many of these churches have programmes providing such assistance all year around, even many catholic churches.. but what do the jw's do to actually practically help the suffering and poor at this time of year, or ever?
Must obey!
Just about every church I know of does something for the poor and needy around this time of year, who are not necessarily Christians or members of their church. From helping prisoners to delivering food hampers to visiting the lonely and elderly to helping poor people and children overseas, most churches I'm aware of do at least something to materially help the suffering in the community, home and abroad, regardless of their religious orientation. Many of these churches have programmes providing such assistance all year around, even many Catholic churches.
But what do the JW's do to actually practically help the suffering and poor at this time of year, or ever? And I don't mean preaching & magazines & tracts or disaster relief.
If Jesus helped the poor and needy whether they were his disciples or not, then what are JW's doing to imitate him in that respect?
I don't get why the JW's are so meanhearted and stingy with helping the poor and needy in the community.
If Hillary becomes president.......
by lavendar ini heard this question the other day, and it really started me thinking...... if hillary wins the election, how are all these arab nations and presidents going to relate to a woman president??
i mean women, in general, are looked down upon and have no authority in the arab world.
won't having a woman president put us in a dangerous position??
Must obey!
Hillary Clinton is not much different from a Republican neocon like Bush.
Check out these websites www.infowars.com & www.propagandamatrix.com for interesting underground info on what is going on with the race for presidency.
Honor Killings vs. Disfellowshipping
by writetoknow inrecently two teenage girls in texas where kill by their father it has been reported as a honor killing.
do you think disfellowshipping can be elevated to the level of honor killings?.
special focus: islam.
Must obey!
It is a very harsh comparison but scarily enough there is a Watchtower quote floating around where the Watchtower Mullahs imply that if it weren't for modern laws forbidding it, they would have no compunction about stoning an unrepentant sinner to death! There is also a quote from that infamous 1954 Court case in Scotland where senior WBTS officials admit that disfellowshipping constitutes a "spiritual death".
what is worse through the eyes of a dub
by looloo inis it a worldly person that thinks jws do not tell or have th truth or a convicted paedophile that is disfellowshipped but stil believes in the truth!l l
Must obey!
I agree with Bluesbrother. You are confusing people with policies and demonizing the typical JW somewhat. The worldling is generally just regarded as being ignorant and bad association, to be avoided, or a bit goatish. But 99% of dubbies would be abjectly repulsed by a pedophile, and I don't that is mitigated in the mind of most JW's if the pedophile still professes to believe in 'the truth'. In fact, the typical JW IS likely to be even more repulsed if a disfellowshipped JW still outspokenly claims to be a believing JW, perhaps seeking judicial mercy on that basis, because it is so disgustingly hypocritical. The sad irony of course is that many pedos and pervos are secretly existing in the organisation and getting away with it all because of the Watchtower leadership's flawed policies which tie the hands of the elders in these matters. And many elders have of course failed to take the necessary harsh judicial action against a pedo (and an accusation alone should be enough to initiate serious action) because the pedo has pleased for mercy because he still claims to be a fully believing JW who may also have an otherwise good track record in the organisation.
Concrete Reasons for Being a JW (or member of any religion)
by Mrs. Witness inhere is a question i've been wanting to ask hubby: "why do you want to be a jw?
" and i don't want ethereal answers like "they have the truth" "everlasting life" and other such nonsensical ramblings.
i am not a member of any organized religion and i don't see the appeal.. can anyone answer the question with a concrete reason?.
Must obey!
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